Month: February 2019

Two-hundred-and-fifty mushers competed in the 36th Aviemore Sled Dog Rally in the forest around Loch Morlich in January. The racing teams included Siberian huskies, Alaskan malamutes,…

Tick tock, ‘It’s WHIMZEES o’clock’ WHIMZEES has launched an online campaign to raise awareness on dog dental disease for Dental Month (February). ‘It’s WHIMZEES o’clock’ features…

The Dorwest Foundation has donated £2,500 to five charities. Rushton Dog Rescue, Barking Mad Dog Rescue, Animal House Rescue, Linbee Dog Rehoming and New Start Cat…

Pet Trade Solutions founder Lynda Ward is warning people to to beware of unrealistic promises from potential employers. She says the pet trade is ‘becoming littered…