Month: November 2021

Leading pet food manufacturer Burgess Pet Care has acquired Runaround – theĀ  manufacturer of high-welfare housing for rabbits and small animals – for an undisclosed sum.…

Congratulations to Valley Pet and Angling, in Blackwood, Monmouthshire – the lucky winner of our Henry Wag reader giveaway. Grant Rogers, director of 3P Enterprise, presented…

The UK’s No.1 pet trade publication, pbwnews (, has a new owner, having been acquired by business2business publisher Lewis Business Media Limited today (November 3). “This…

Eco company Project Blu has secured international investment as it continues on a mission to drive sustainable change across the global pet industry. The funding will…

Small and medium-sized firms countrywide seem to be taking supply chain issues and increasing costs ‘in their usual resilient stride’, a UK business lender says. MarketFinance…