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2021: 10-12 November. Zoomark International BolognaFiere Italy. International exhibition of products and accessories for pets. Bologna Italy. Foreign exhibitors both with their stand and in the group areas (USA China Canada UK Brazil) consider Zoomark International as a fundamental appointment because of the quality of its visitors and the opportunity it gives to expand distribution channels meet new partners and customers (in Italy and abroad)
0039 031 301059
Bologna, Italy,
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Zooshow Winter December 12-13 2020. Zooshow is one of the main pet exhibitions and trade fairs in Russia. More than 7000 animals from all over Russian regions: cats dogs rodents ferrets birds insects and reptiles. Exhibitors are representatives of the biggest Russian breeders animal shelters pet product manufacturers (food treats clothing toys veterinary products etc.) and pet service
G-H ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre, Peterburgskoe highway 64/1, Saint Petersburg