UK Pet Food, the trade association for the pet food manufacturing industry and associated companies, has launched a manifesto for MPs and policy makers.
Unveiled at Westminster as the nation builds towards the next General Election, the document outlines key priorities and “asks” for candidates to consider.
The four main topics revolve around safe and sustainable food, overseas trade, animal welfare and the value of pets in society. A summary is listed below.
The launch event was sponsored by Sir Roger Gale MP, who said: “The research on the benefits of pets to people’s health and wellbeing is well documented and it is vital that we ensure a society that values the important role pets play. I’m pleased to see that this is at the heart of the UK Pet Food Manifesto which I am delighted to launch.”
UK Pet Food’s 103 members are responsible for around 90% of the UK pet food market, which is worth close to £4 billion.
Chief executive Michael Bellingham added: “Our industry is committed to the 16.2 million households with pets who are important family members. We have a big responsibility, and our mission is to advance pet health and well-being with quality nutrition from a sustainable, progressive pet food industry.
“The success of our sector is one that many depend upon, and we need Government support. Our manifesto has been developed to succinctly detail our requirements to continue our excellent work.”
For the full manifesto, visit:

UK Pet Food Manifesto:
Safe and Sustainable Pet Food.
The pet food industry requires safe, nutritious, and sustainably produced ingredients with a food system that recognises and values pet food. UK Pet Food calls for their Industry’s critical role in the agricultural food chain and sustainability plans to be acknowledged.
Trade with the EU and rest of the world.
We need to maintain regulatory alignment with the EU and call on the Government to support UK businesses in accessing new markets. UK Pet Food additionally details its need for a negotiated form of veterinary agreement to ease problems trading between GB, EU and NI.
Pets and Animal Welfare.
We need a society that treats pets with their best interests at heart, and a food system that places the welfare of farmed animals as the paramount goal. UK Pet Food calls on Government to progress the Kept Animals Bill, support farmers and include animal welfare on the curriculum.
Pets in Society.
We want to ensure a society that values the important role pets play in the improvement of health and mental wellbeing of people. We call for reduced barriers to pet ownership and also encourage dog friendly workplaces where possible.