Pawd Drinks has organised a social walk for dog owners in London this month.
As well as having the opportunity to meet new people and fellow dog owners, the first 50 participants to arrive will receive a Pawd Drinks goody bag containing dog treats, dog bags and other pet accessories. Also in attendance will be a pet photographer, pet nutritionist and behaviourist to give advice, and attendees will also be able to try samples of the company’s latest product, Wellness.
The event has been inspired by Walk Your Dog Month, an initiative designed to help people overcome their January blues and encourage them to meet other dog walkers and improve their own and their dogs’ wellbeing.
Pawd Drinks are liquid health supplements containing active ingredients and botanicals designed to target the common health issues faced by dogs, as well as helping to keep dogs hydrated. Products are pH neutral and are available in three varieties – Joints, Calmness and the new Wellness line.
The dog walk event takes place in Battersea Park on Sunday January 26, starting at 10.30am. The meeting point is at the Albert Gate opposite the Albert Pub. All are welcome, says the company.