A foul-mouthed African grey parrot has been filmed giving his verdict on Donald Trump – branding the US President a “w*****” in a video that has appeared online.
The owner, Marie McAleazey from Newry, Northern Ireland, who filmed the video, said: “I thought it was very funny. He just lets rip and you can’t stop him.
“He already knows about 500 words and he strings sentences together. The other day he said ‘no to Brexit’.”
Marie also revealed that the political parrot called the vet a ‘c***’, but that the animal expert had found it amusing.
She bought the pet two years ago after his previous owner, a young man in his 20s, died suddenly in his sleep, reported the Daily Mirror.
“The young fellow probably had him trained to say certain words.
“In about a year he’ll be ready to read the news.”